Self Care First!


It all sounds so simple but how often to we put other people and things before our own health and peace of mind?

If you are anything like me doing this or that for others has always come easier than doing that same thing for yourself. I also have a tendency to work really hard at whatever it is I’m doing, sometimes forgetting to take care of myself in the process.

I’ve had a lot going on the last couple of weeks and it has been crucial for my health and well being to pay extra close attention to my self-care practices. I am grateful to be in a place where I now know when I have to take care of myself, stop everything and focus on me before it all gets too much.For years I have slowly built self-care into my daily life and these days it’s nearly automatic. Occasionally I need reminders as I forget but for the most part I am well aware of what I need to do for myself and how that needs to come before all the other important tasks at hand.

I’ve gone through many phases on my journey towards taking better care of myself. Looking back over the last couple of years I can see how I put my career and relationships needs above my own (sometimes it still happens). It took me a long time to recognise that in order to thrive in my career and relationships I had to put my needs first. It took me even longer to take action in that direction (I had to get really sick and be miserable).

Today it is clear that I am doing myself and others a dis-service if I don’t take care of myself. It is pretty much impossible to show up and be present if I am in a constant state of agitation, exhaustion or stress. That was basically how I lived for years not knowing there was another way. Once I caught glimpses that there might be a different way to live I had to sit with that for a while until I became willing to change. I’d love to say that I became aware and boom! I changed over night but that was definitely not the case. I have worked slowly and steadily to integrate self-care practices that over time have become a working part of my life. Through meditation and yoga I have cultivated a level of self-awareness that is key in being present. It’s been such a journey.

Today I know that if I don’t put my self-care first I will not flourish in the ways that I aspire to. I want to be able to give my true presence to those around me. Putting myself first is how I make that a reality, whether that’s through meditation, yoga or simply taking some time to just sit with a cup of tea and a book.

How do you practice self care?