If you saw my last post, you will have seen my review on Eden's Semilla Jojoba Oil and that I loved it. So when Eden's Semilla got back in touch with me, asking if I wanted to try out their new range of essential oils, it was really a no brainer.
Tea Tree
Sweet Orange
Pine Tree
The oils contain 12 of the most popular plant extracts used by aromatherapy professionals, they have a potent healing quality that helps to rejuvenate and cleanse, it have an intense aroma for rest and relaxation and are pure with natural goodness for total peace of mind.
Sweet Orange - This is an antibacterial air cleanser with a fruity fragrance. This enhances energy levels and helps to combat fatigue.
Eucalyptus - Great for colds as it helps to clear sinuses and will aid respiration and defends against well known allergies. It also has other healing benefits that help ward off infection and cleanse the body from toxins.
Sandle-wood - This is a musky sweet smell that is used in aromatherapy, prayer or meditation because of its calming effects and ability to enhance mental awareness. It also contains antioxidants that are beneficial to skin repair and anti-ageing.
Peppermint - This will provide pain relief for aching muscles and joints, insect bites and general skin irritation.
Tea Tree - This is a potent antiseptic used to fight against infection. It is used to treat acne, fungal infections and a host of skin conditions. It also provides relief for itching and burns. It is a natural deodorizer, household cleaner and insect repellent.
Lemon Grass - This is a great natural deodorizer and a bespoke air freshener when it is added to other oils. It can help repair damaged skin or hair due to it's antiseptic qualities. It can be used as a cleaner or to combat bacteria.
Rosemary - Contains an anti-inflammatory property and is often used for pain relief, aching muscles and to combat respiratory problems. Provides an anti-oxidant protection for a healthy immune system and is an effective stress reliever.
Frankincense - This has been shown to reduce heart rate and is often used to treat anxiety. A potent stress reliever when it is inhaled or added to a hot bath. Also contains natural healing properties and offers effective skin protection.
Pine Tree - A powerful natural deodorizer and air freshener that delivers a soothing and warming fragrance. It will help ease aches and pains and it provides antioxidant defense against common allergies.
Lavender - Add a few drops to a warm bath or a diffuser to create a soothing feeling, it also helps relieve stress and tension. It contains antibacterial properties and can be used to treat minor skin infections and burns. This is a great natural insect repellent.
Bergamot - Used in aromatherapy to purify by creating a calming and relaxing atmosphere. It helps to relieve emotional anxiety and will sooth the senses. It is also what gives Earl Grey tea it's distinct flavor.
Cinnamon - This provides pain relief for stiff and aching muscles, painful joints and arthritis. It will also help reduce skin inflammation and irritation.
There is surely going to be an oil for everyone, no matter what you are after. You also don't need a lot of these whether it's in a bath or an oil burner as they are very well scented, but not overly scented that it hit's you in the face as soon as you walk in the room.
These can be found on Amazon, set one is tea tree, lemon grass, rosemary and frankincense. Set three is sweet orange, eucalyptus, sandle-wood and peppermint. Then you can find pine tree, lavender, cinnamon and bergamot individually. They range from £1.99 - £4.49 individually or the sets are £7.50 for four.
Do you use essential oils? Which scent is your favorite?