I was asked by Whittard Of Chelsea, if I would share my tips on how to make the perfect cup of tea, when it comes to tea, how could I refuse?!
I like a good strong cup of tea, a nice dark brown colour.
I always use teabags as I have found these make a nice strong cup. Letting it brew for a good 2-3 minutes before first squeezing the teabag twice against the inside of the mug and then taking it out. I have to have two level spoons of sugar and just a splash of milk.
I always use teabags as I have found these make a nice strong cup. Letting it brew for a good 2-3 minutes before first squeezing the teabag twice against the inside of the mug and then taking it out. I have to have two level spoons of sugar and just a splash of milk.
You just can't beat a good cup of tea with a bacon and egg sandwich in my opinion.
If you like using loose tea then check out Whittard Of Chelsea's Guide To Making The Perfect Cup Of Tea. In their guide they explain about each different type of tea and how long to brew it for and at what temperature. They even tell you what type of tea is best for what time of day it is. It is certainly very useful and worth checking out. Below you will also find their video on how to brew the perfect cup of tea.
What do you do to make the perfect cup of tea?
Share your tips and thoughts in the comments below.